A software process is the game plan to organize project teams and run projects. Yet, it still is a challenge to select the appropriate development approach for the respective context. A multitude of development approaches compete for the users’ favor, but there is no silver bullet serving all possible setups. Moreover, recent research as well as experience from practice shows companies utilizing different development approaches to assemble the best-fitting approach for the respective company: a more traditional process provides the basic framework to serve the organization, while project teams embody this framework with more agile (and/or lean) practices to keep their flexibility.


This workshop addresses the community work initiated at ICSSP 2016 (Austin, Texas); in particular, the HELENA survey with which we aim to investigate the use of “Hybrid dEveLopmENt Approaches in software systems development”.

Currently, the HELENA community comprises more than 50 (academic) contributors from more than 15 countries. In this workshop, we aim at bringing together all (academic) contributors and further interested people to:

  1. Report the current state and (tentative) outcomes of the HELENA survey (from a global and regional perspective)
  2. Develop a work program and define next steps within the whole community
  3. Build working groups, which work on selected (sub-)topics of interest

Format and Program

The 1st HELENA Workshop is a full-day event, organized for the community to meet and discuss topics of interest. Of course, visitors and interested future collaborators are always welcome.

The first workshop is organized by:

  • Marco Kuhrmann
  • Philipp Diebold
  • Jürgen Münch

(see also the HELENA Team)

The workshop has the following (tentative) program:

 Duration  Topic
 15 min.  Introduction (Kuhrmann, Diebold, Münch)
90 min. Reports from the regions (5-10 min. pitch per region, as poster session)
30 min. HELENA: Report of the current state from a global perspective (Kuhrmann, Diebold, Münch)
30 min.  Setup of working groups
90 min. Working groups breakout session
60 min. Working groups formation and consolidation (group-specific work plan)
30 min. Presentation of the working groups and their plans
30 min. Development of the HELENA Agenda and next steps
15 min. Closing (Kuhrmann, Diebold, Münch)

The final schedule will be published as soon as possible.